The use of electronic dictionaries during learning process!

Hi everyone!
We all know that during the process of learning vocabulary the pupils need to use the dictionary.In the first place,it is hard and boring using all the time a book dictionary.If the pupils have an electronic one,they can learn vocabulary easier.
Secondly,when they check for a new word,they can also listen the pronunciation by voice and this is great.They can also hear the origin and all the uses of the word in only one second.
Furthermore,if the pupil don't want to write down the word,they can only say it by voice and the program will find it,the meaning too.
Taking all things in consideration,we can notice that using electronic dictionaries is very useful in the learning process because you don't only find the meaning faster but you check the pronuncion by voice.


  1. I agree with you Genta! Using an electronic dictionary is great and helpful. Of course you have to find the right one because there are a lot of online dictionaries which are not helpful at all. I myself use online dictionaries when encounter a new word. There you may check its pronounciation, spelling and all the meanings.
    Good job !

    1. Yes it's true because there are many kinds of dictionaries.Thank you.

  2. This is a good point . It is true that using electronic dictionary is very helpful and a more easy and effective way to learn the vocabulary. Students don't have to keep thick dictionaires in their bags , but they'll use an electronic one for better and easier procedure of learning vocabulary. We can say that technology is replacing many things (in this case a dictionary ) and as a result it is a facilitator for all .

    1. Yes because we all use an electonic one because it is more helpful.Thank you.

  3. It's true Ergenta using electronic dictionary is helpful not just for the students but for all of us.Good job !


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