Hello everyone!
Today I want to share with you some interesting information about the effectiveness of using a Padlet.

If you haven’t heard of padlet and you’re looking to add more technology to your classroom, this is a great way to start. First of all, it allows students (or teachers) to collaborate. Think of it as a large bulletin board. Anyone with the link can place a post-it on the bulletin board. The post-it note can include a note, a picture, a video, or a website. I’ve used Padlet for teacher book studies and anything that I want students to collaborate on.

Secondly, it is SIMPLE to create and does not require many devices. It is so simple, in fact, that you can create one on the fly in response to a lesson that changes direction mid-class. Not even close to a 1:1 classroom? Leave a the Padlet open on a classroom computer and allow students to type their answer during independent work time, station time, or during transitions.


  1. Hi Ergenta. I read your post ,must say that padlet for real is very effective ,just looking at it on two points of view that of a student sharing info and collaborating with class and also that of a future teacher , like a kind of group work to see students interaction.

  2. Hello Ergenta. Eventhough shortly, I like the way you brought the information to us.


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